Outreach Program

Beautiful, color paintings with candles in the foreground.

We are committed to increasing awareness to educate the community about the cause, impact, and prevention of sexual violence and to improve survivors’ access to our services.

Our Outreach Program currently accomplishes this by providing non-primary prevention workshops, tabling, distributing materials, and speaking engagements. Outreach workshops may include topics such as Consent, Healthy Relationships, Bystander Intervention, Rape Myths & Facts, Sexual Violence 101, and a general overview of Rape Recovery Center services.

Example of a table at an event. Stickers, pins, information cards.

Tabling at your event

We are available to attend your event with the objective of engaging your community to spread awareness about our mission. 

Tabling opportunities allow us to:

  • hear moving stories

  • learn about our services

  • learn about ways to prevent sexual violence (includes take home information such as brochures/packets)

  • buy RRC merchandise

  • learn about ways to get involved

Staff members of RRC at front desk of the center.

Open house at RRC

Our open houses are a way for the community to learn about our services and what you, as a community member, can do to get involved. We provide a presentation on services, events, and how to directly support the Rape Recovery Center.

Attend an open house. See our event calendar for upcoming dates.

Volunteer sharing RRC information card to another person.

Workshops & Presentations

We provide workshops for youth (12-25), parents, caregivers, and community members. We fulfill requests for school teachers, community partners, collegiate and student organizations, religious institutes and more.

We provide presentations for your organization, church, co-op, and for you or your peers. Our range of workshops include sexual violence overview, rape myths, bystander intervention, and many more.