
UCASA Promotora Instituto Webinar
This webinar will explore the Rape Recover Center's services to explain how we support survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones. This event is part of UCASA's Promotora Instituto series, highlighting organizations that serve the community. The webinar will be in Spanish.
Este seminario web explorará los servicios del Rape Recover Center para explicar cómo apoyamos a los sobrevivientes de violencia sexual y a sus seres queridos. Este evento es parte de la serie Promotora Instituto de UCASA, destacando organizaciones que sirven a la comunidad. El seminario web será en español.
Link to register for Zoom webinar Here

Immigration and Legal Services Clinic
Join us for a FREE Immigration Legal Clinic to review your immigration documents one-on-one with an immigration attorney. You will also get the chance to fill out a Family Preparedness Kit. Childcare and Spanish interpretation will be provided. Other community organizations will be there to provide services and outreach. Please register in advance here